How Diagnostic Ultrasounds Can Supplement Pregnancy Care

Diagnostic ultrasound examinations performed by Peace of Mind Imaging as an adjunct to regular medical examinations are the perfect way to assure expectant parents that they are doing everything possible to ensure the birth of a healthy baby.

Pregnancy is an exciting time, and the caring staff at Peace of Mind Imaging in Strongsville, OH, want to help you remember this part of your life in an extraordinary way.

What Is a Diagnostic Ultrasound?

When you schedule a first-, second-, or third-trimester ultrasound exam, it should not be as a substitute for regular prenatal care but as an added measure of protection for your unborn child.

A diagnostic ultrasound at any stage of pregnancy offers mothers a glimpse of their baby as it develops in the amniotic sac. It can be a bonding experience in a very real way.

However, you may think of diagnostic ultrasounds as an advanced early warning system that will alert medical professionals to any early signs of abnormality in fetal formation. In early stages of development, it may allow doctors to intervene as necessary to promote healthy development.

When to Schedule Diagnostic Ultrasounds

A first-trimester diagnostic ultrasound is typically scheduled between six and ten weeks. Your pregnancy will be confirmed at this time, and your physician will be able to estimate your due date with great accuracy. If there is a multiple pregnancy, it can also be determined.

Second-trimester ultrasounds are normally performed between 19 and 22 weeks. This is when you can find out the gender of your developing child if you wish and when anatomical details are visible. It is a critical stage because your medical practitioner can determine fetal growth patterns and check for abnormalities.

The Third Trimester ultrasound is used to determine fetal growth and positioning and is the time to begin to prepare for the easiest delivery possible. In the latter stages of pregnancy, it is a primary diagnostic tool to ensure the health of both mother and child.

Schedule Your Diagnostic Ultrasounds Now

Contact Peace of Mind Imaging for additional information and to schedule your diagnostic ultrasound appointments.

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