3 (Fun) Reasons to Get an Ultrasound

When you think about an ultrasound, you might just think about a clinical, sterile environment filled with medical terms and harassed staff. These practical settings might help you get the information you need to have a better pregnancy, but considering the excitement of a pregnancy, they may sap the fun of it all pretty quickly. Here, we’ll look at more joyful reasons to get an ultrasound and the best place to set up an ultrasound appointment in Strongsville, OH.

1. You Can See Your Child

The best ultrasounds can give you a 4D image of your child, so you can see everything from the gender to their facial features.

2. It’s a Connection You Won’t Forget

Ultrasounds help you learn more about who’s inside you, and what they’re up to. These little glimpses into your body help set the stage for a lifetime of love.

3. You Can Talk to People Who Understand

At Peace of Mind Imaging, our staff understands the wonders of pregnancy. Instead of getting people in and out as quickly as possible, we’re here to celebrate with you. Whatever questions or feelings you have about what’s ahead, you can voice them to professionals who won’t discount them or brush them off.

Ultrasounds in Strongsville, OH

There are a lot of reasons to get an ultrasound in Strongsville, but not all of them have to be so clinical. If you’re looking to experience more joy during your pregnancy, consider a non-diagnostic ultrasound in Strongsville, OH. At Peace of Mind Imaging, you get more than just a practiced hand, you’ll find a staff that’s here to help you have more fun at every stage of your pregnancy.

How Long Is an Ultrasound?

When you’re pregnant, you’re usually at the mercy of someone else’s schedule. Whether it’s a standard checkup or a special ultrasound, you can’t always count on doctors, nurses, and technicians to give you the information you need to plan ahead. We’ll look at the details below if you’re wondering how long an ultrasound in Strongsville, OH, takes.

What to Expect

Ultrasounds usually take a half hour to an hour to complete. Of course, the actual time can vary based on everything from the technician’s experience to the mother’s circumstances. During the ultrasound, you can expect the technician to use a hand-held scanner to send sound waves into your body so the echoes can create electrical impulses that turn into pictures.

Why It Matters

Ultrasounds are a great way to get more than peace of mind about your pregnancy. This is a time to ask questions and celebrate the connection to your child(ren). If you’re in a standard medical setting, though, the interactions might feel anything but relaxed and celebratory. For instance, you might be asked to wait for a while past your appointment time only to feel rushed when it’s your turn. If you want to have a better experience, it can help to find a staff that cares.

Where to Find Ultrasounds in Strongsville, OH

At Peace of Mind Imaging, our staff is here to help you get a handle on your pregnancy. Regardless of how long your ultrasound is, whether you want to relax or you’re in a bit of a hurry, we’re here to give you an experience that you won’t soon forget. Contact us today to learn more about our non-diagnostic ultrasounds in Strongsville!

Why Choose a Private Ultrasound Provider?

When you need an ultrasound, consider visiting us at Peace of Mind Imaging in Strongsville, OH. Our dedicated team is here to provide high-quality service and attention to make you feel at ease throughout this important medical service. We offer various scans, including 4D scans to give you the best view of your unborn child or more detailed images for medical diagnostics.

What Is a Private Ultrasound?

A private ultrasound is a medical service you pay for out of pocket or, in some cases, with insurance. The difference is that you don’t have to get an ultrasound through your doctor’s office, and you can have an ultrasound at any point during a pregnancy you’d like. Private ultrasounds can also be used to screen for other medical conditions, giving you control over when you get care and the setting in which it’s delivered.

What Are the Benefits of a Private Ultrasound?

Some of the top benefits of private ultrasounds include:

  • Shorter wait times. With a private ultrasound, you can schedule your appointment whenever it’s convenient for you.
  • A more comfortable environment. Private ultrasounds are provided in comfortable settings where you can feel relaxed.
  • Longer appointment times. With a private ultrasound, you can schedule the time you need to ask questions and to learn more about what the ultrasound technician is seeing.

If you don’t want to wait for an ultrasound in a medical office, a private ultrasound is a good alternative.

Schedule an Ultrasound With Peace of Mind Imaging

At Peace of Mind Imaging in Strongsville, OH, we take your care seriously and want you to have the best possible experience with your ultrasound services. We provide high-quality ultrasound scans that are tailored to your needs. Call us today to set up an appointment.

Top 3 Concerns With Pre-Natal Ultrasounds: Facts or Myths?

Congratulations mama! As your pregnancy progresses, you’re probably beaming with excitement (and maybe a touch of nervousness). Pre-natal ultrasounds are a big part of your journey, offering a glimpse into your little miracle’s development.

But with all the information out there, some concerns could cloud this exciting time.

The experienced team at Peace of Mind Imaging in Strongsville, OH, is proud to help the local neighborhood with state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging services, including debunking the myths that we fear most.

What is a Pre-Natal Ultrasound?

A pre-natal ultrasound is a safe and painless way to see your baby using sound waves. It’s like a window into the miracle that allows our doctors to check your baby’s growth, position, well-being, development, and heartbeat.

Myth #1: Ultrasounds Can Harm My Baby

Have you ever heard of or had this thought? This is a common worry, but rest assured, pre-natal ultrasounds are very safe. The sound waves used have much lower energy than X-rays and don’t have any harmful effects on babies.

Myth #2: Ultrasounds Can Determine the Baby’s Sex Early On

While sometimes the baby’s position might reveal a clue as early as 11-14 weeks during a scan, a definitive answer is more likely around 18 to 22 weeks with an anatomy scan.

Myth #3: A “Bad” Ultrasound Means Something is Wrong

Ultrasounds are a fantastic tool, but they don’t always paint the whole picture. Sometimes, the baby’s position or blurry images might make it difficult to see everything perfectly. If the doctor has any concerns, they’ll discuss them with you on the spot and might recommend further tests. A single ultrasound result shouldn’t cause you to worry right away

Your Local Quality Peace of Mind Pregnancy Imaging Specialists

At Peace of Mind, we don’t want you to spend another minute worrying about your pregnancy. Let us help you on your journey to becoming the best parent you can be to your little miracle.

During your next appointment with the skilled team at Peace of Mind Imaging in Strongsville, OH, you can be sure you receive the proper care and guidance that you and your family deserve.

Can an Ultrasound Be Fun?

When people think about ultrasounds, they might instantly think about the cold gel and sterile environment. Even the most creative and exciting sonogram announcements posted on social media may not have been very ‘fun’ to take. Of course, the reality is that ultrasounds are whatever you make of them, but the right team can help you get more out of this standard pregnancy milestone.

Why Should an Ultrasound Be Fun?

Peace of Mind Imaging was founded by experienced technicians who noticed a need for more

interactive ultrasound appointments. They saw how important it was to celebrate pregnancies and how much of a difference it made to mothers when they put more emphasis on the most joyful parts of pregnancy. Does your kid have your dad’s nose? What kinds of gymnastics are they getting into when they’re awake? Are they going to be a baseball star the way they’re swinging their arms?

When it can be nerve-racking to carry another human (or sometimes humans) inside you, a more informal ultrasound is more than just a diversion. You’re reminded more of the miracle of life than the ways that the pregnancy could take a detour. Plus, the right team can help you put even your worst fears in perspective as you get closer and closer to your due date.

Find Ultrasounds in Strongsville

If you’re looking for ultrasounds in Strongsville, OH that you’ll remember forever, the team at Peace of Mind Imaging can help. We offer both medical and non-medical exams for women who want more than just a few dry facts about how big their child is and whether they need to make changes to their diets or lifestyle. To learn more about what we do and why women look forward to their appointments, contact us today for more information.

Top 5 Benefits of Ultrasound in Prenatal Care

Ultrasound technology is one of the greatest benefits available to expectant mothers. It’s completely revolutionized the prenatal experience, offering a way for doctors to detect potential issues, and mothers a chance to see their developing fetus, and much more. Here are the top five benefits of a.  Strongsville, OH ultrasound in prenatal care.

1. Early Detection of Potential Complications

Prenatal ultrasounds allow physicians an opportunity to spot potential pregnancy complications before they occur. This gives everyone—doctors and patients—ample time to prepare, so that when the time comes for delivery, the environment has everything that’s needed, including special equipment, if necessary.

2. Fetal Development Monitoring

With ultrasound scans, doctors are able to accurately monitor the growth and development of the fetus. Ultrasounds can provide vital information such as the growth rate, position and, of course, any unusual developmental conditions.

3. Guidance During Procedures

Often, expectant mothers need to have tests of amniotic fluid. With the help of ultrasound technology, this procedure can be guided with imaging, helping to prevent imprecise needle positioning that could jeopardize baby and mother.

4. Bonding Between Mother and Child

Most expectant mothers can’t wait to see and hold their baby in their arms. With the beauty of an ultrasound image, the mother can view her child as it develops in the womb, enhancing the bonding between mother and child, even before birth.

5. Sharing in the Experience

For eager grandparents and other close family and friends, copies of an ultrasound allow them to share in the joy of the upcoming addition to the family.

To learn more about how an ultrasound can enhance your pregnancy experience, contact your Strongsville, OH imaging solutions clinic today. We look forward to helping you to make memories that last a lifetime!

3 Benefits of Ultrasounds Beyond Pregnancy Confirmation

Ultrasounds are certainly handy for confirming not just the presence of the fetus or the details of pregnancy dating but also the development of everything from the brain to the facial structure. We’ll look at the benefits of this relatively common technology and why it may be able to do more than you think.

Real-Time Imaging 

Anultrasound in Strongsville, OH, reveals what’s happening to your child in real-time. So, if there are any anomalies, it gives mothers and healthcare practitioners the opportunity for early treatment. (The more doctors know, the better the outcomes.) Plus, ultrasounds reveal the health of the placenta, also known as the organ that provides everything from the amniotic fluid to their nourishment.

The Sounds of the Heartbeat

Whether you have one fetus or multiple, there’s something about hearing your child’s heartbeat while they’re in the womb. This is more than just growth monitoring or confirming that the baby’s heart is developing properly. The reassurance of these sounds is often enough to set parents’ minds at ease.

Unforgettable Experiences 

In the right hands, an ultrasound is a truly memorable experience for parents. At Peace of Mind Imaging, we offer both diagnostic andnon-diagnostic ultrasound exams in Strongsville, OH, that are designed to assess and celebrate the many stages of pregnancy. More than a rushed trip to a rushed doctor, you’re surrounded by a whole team that knows you won’t be pregnant forever.

Ultrasounds in Strongsville, OH 

A low-cost fertility ultrasound can be more than just a practical step, especially if you’re caught up in the whirlwind of emotions that often defines most pregnancies. If you’re looking for a more exciting and comfortable experience, visit Peace of Mind Imaging for an ultrasound that you will always cherish.

3 Reasons to Turn Your Ultrasounds Into a Celebration

For years, most people have seen ultrasounds as little more than a practical step. As the technology improved, though, doctors could use it for more than just pregnancy confirmation. At Peace of Mind Imaging, our practice takes ultrasounds to a new level, using non-diagnostic fetal exams in Strongsville, OH, as a way to celebrate the life inside you. We’ll consider why you might schedule a session or two with us.

1. You’re with People as Excited as You Are

When you visit a hospital or office for pregnancy dating, you may never really know who’s going to be with you. Even if you have the best team in the world, you’re unlikely to get people ready to let loose as you take it all in for the first time. At Peace of Mind Imaging, you’ll get a low-cost fertility ultrasound in Strongsville, OH, with people who know just how special this time really is.

2. It Can Help Remind You of What’s Ahead

It’s not news that the hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause your moods to swing. At Peace of Mind Imaging, you step into a place that can help you put everything into perspective. The effects of these sessions can truly last your entire term and beyond. They can give you the inspiration you need to stay positive, even when the road gets rough.

3. You Deserve It

The best reason to celebrate is because you (and your baby) deserve it! Instead of just having standard exams, why not treat yourself with a staff that is rooting for you every step of the way? If you’re looking for ultrasounds in Strongsville, OH, consider booking a package or session at Peace of Mind Imaging.

3 Top Benefits of Ultrasounds

Ultrasound technology may be relatively new, but it’s turned out to be a blessing for parents and families all over the globe. If you’re wondering how many ultrasounds in Strongsville, OH, to have and what you’ll learn from each one, Peace of Mind Imaging can tell you more about what to expect.

Fetal Growth

Your child changes from minute to minute, and those changes aren’t always apparent without an ultrasound. Fetal growth isn’t just about getting bigger. If there are any problems with their development, an ultrasound can allow professionals to intervene.

Reassurance for All Parents

Whether it’s your first time or old hat, ultrasounds can provide peace of mind in ways that no other technology can. From hearing the heartbeat to watching their movements, these images confirm that everything is going how it should. Having multiple ultrasounds can be great for the baby’s physical health, but it can also be a lifesaver for the mental health of parents everywhere.

Maternal and Infant Health

Screening for genetic issues and confirming the position of the placenta are just a few things that ultrasounds can scan for. In some cases, the blood vessels of the infant may be left unprotected if they’re too close to the cervix or the placenta stretches too far into the uterine wall or muscles. The idea is to look at both the mother and the child(ren), ensuring that everyone is in good shape long before the delivery date.

The Joy of Pregnancy

At Peace of Mind Imaging, you’ll find a professional team that offers more than standard medical ultrasounds. While we do provide diagnostic scans that a doctor reads, the bigger goal is to lighten up a sometimes scary or stressful time. There’s a lot to learn about pregnancy, especially considering that each can take a different course. Soaking up all that information in a traditional clinic or doctor’s office isn’t always easy to do.

Ultrasounds allow mothers to connect on another level to the child within them. If you’re wondering what the benefits of ultrasound in Strongsville, OH, our sonographers and modern equipment can show you just how valuable a scan can be.