What’s the Difference Between a 2D, 3D, and 4D Ultrasound?

The images you see during ultrasounds can be some of the most exciting moments during pregnancy. Getting a view of your baby can be reassuring and sweet.

When you come to Peace of Mind imaging, you’ll have a choice between 2D, 3D, and 4D imagining. Knowing the difference between these ultrasound imaging services in Strongsville, OH can help you decide which one is right for you.

What Is a 2D Ultrasound?

A 2D ultrasound produces flat, two-dimensional, black-and-white images. Often, the organs and interior parts of the baby’s body are visible in the 2D ultrasound, which means that you may catch glimpses of your baby’s spine, heart, and other organs. These ultrasounds are the most common type of ultrasounds used to diagnose problems with fetal development.

What Is a 3D Ultrasound?

3D ultrasounds use soundwaves to produce three-dimensional images of your baby – including features of their face and body. In the pictures produced by 3D ultrasounds, parents see more details than in 2D ultrasound images. 3D ultrasounds can help you imagine what your baby really looks like.

What Is a 4D Ultrasound?

4D ultrasounds are similar to 3D ultrasounds, but these ultrasounds compile moving images to create a video. When the 4D ultrasound is finished, you may have a video of your baby to cherish forever. You may even be able to see your baby smile!

Which One Should I Choose?

Every patient is different. Look through our packages to decide which fetal ultrasounds in Strongsville, OH, are right for you. Call Peace of Mind Imaging to make an appointment.

Top 3 Concerns With Pre-Natal Ultrasounds: Facts or Myths?

Congratulations mama! As your pregnancy progresses, you’re probably beaming with excitement (and maybe a touch of nervousness). Pre-natal ultrasounds are a big part of your journey, offering a glimpse into your little miracle’s development.

But with all the information out there, some concerns could cloud this exciting time.

The experienced team at Peace of Mind Imaging in Strongsville, OH, is proud to help the local neighborhood with state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging services, including debunking the myths that we fear most.

What is a Pre-Natal Ultrasound?

A pre-natal ultrasound is a safe and painless way to see your baby using sound waves. It’s like a window into the miracle that allows our doctors to check your baby’s growth, position, well-being, development, and heartbeat.

Myth #1: Ultrasounds Can Harm My Baby

Have you ever heard of or had this thought? This is a common worry, but rest assured, pre-natal ultrasounds are very safe. The sound waves used have much lower energy than X-rays and don’t have any harmful effects on babies.

Myth #2: Ultrasounds Can Determine the Baby’s Sex Early On

While sometimes the baby’s position might reveal a clue as early as 11-14 weeks during a scan, a definitive answer is more likely around 18 to 22 weeks with an anatomy scan.

Myth #3: A “Bad” Ultrasound Means Something is Wrong

Ultrasounds are a fantastic tool, but they don’t always paint the whole picture. Sometimes, the baby’s position or blurry images might make it difficult to see everything perfectly. If the doctor has any concerns, they’ll discuss them with you on the spot and might recommend further tests. A single ultrasound result shouldn’t cause you to worry right away

Your Local Quality Peace of Mind Pregnancy Imaging Specialists

At Peace of Mind, we don’t want you to spend another minute worrying about your pregnancy. Let us help you on your journey to becoming the best parent you can be to your little miracle.

During your next appointment with the skilled team at Peace of Mind Imaging in Strongsville, OH, you can be sure you receive the proper care and guidance that you and your family deserve.

Can an Ultrasound Be Fun?

When people think about ultrasounds, they might instantly think about the cold gel and sterile environment. Even the most creative and exciting sonogram announcements posted on social media may not have been very ‘fun’ to take. Of course, the reality is that ultrasounds are whatever you make of them, but the right team can help you get more out of this standard pregnancy milestone.

Why Should an Ultrasound Be Fun?

Peace of Mind Imaging was founded by experienced technicians who noticed a need for more

interactive ultrasound appointments. They saw how important it was to celebrate pregnancies and how much of a difference it made to mothers when they put more emphasis on the most joyful parts of pregnancy. Does your kid have your dad’s nose? What kinds of gymnastics are they getting into when they’re awake? Are they going to be a baseball star the way they’re swinging their arms?

When it can be nerve-racking to carry another human (or sometimes humans) inside you, a more informal ultrasound is more than just a diversion. You’re reminded more of the miracle of life than the ways that the pregnancy could take a detour. Plus, the right team can help you put even your worst fears in perspective as you get closer and closer to your due date.

Find Ultrasounds in Strongsville

If you’re looking for ultrasounds in Strongsville, OH that you’ll remember forever, the team at Peace of Mind Imaging can help. We offer both medical and non-medical exams for women who want more than just a few dry facts about how big their child is and whether they need to make changes to their diets or lifestyle. To learn more about what we do and why women look forward to their appointments, contact us today for more information.

How Safe is Ultrasound? Debunking Common Myths

Ultrasound has been used since the late 1950s to monitor babies in utero. Since that time, ultrasound has been developed and improved and is now an integral diagnostic tool for a broad range of medical situations. Yet today, there are many myths that persist about ultrasound, primarily around its safety.

Myth: Ultrasound Uses Harmful Radiation

Many people are under the misguided belief that ultrasound uses radiation, similar to the X-rays a person gets at a dentist office. This is likely because the resulting fetal imaging in Strongsville, OH looks similar to an X-ray. However, ultrasound uses sound waves—not radiation—to produce those images.

Myth: Frequent Ultrasounds Can Harm the Fetus

Another common misconception is that multiple ultrasounds can harm the developing fetus. There exists no scientific evidence to support this claim, which is why obstetricians often order multiple ultrasounds, especially for problematic pregnancies. So it’s perfectly safe for you to get a fetal ultrasound at Peace of Mind Imaging in addition to any that your doctor performs at your obstetrics clinic or hospital.

Myth: Ultrasound is Painful

The experience of getting an ultrasound is non-invasive and painless for the mother and child. In fact, for the mother, the process can be very enjoyable. The mother sits in a reclined position, the gel is warmed before application, and the practitioner takes their time and moves the device slowly over the belly. All the while, the mother gets to see her baby on a monitor in a way that wasn’t possible before the late 1950s.

Don’t let myths and misconceptions cloud your perception of fetal ultrasounds in Strongsville, OH. Contact us with any questions you have or to learn more about all the different fetal ultrasound solutions that we have available.